Wednesday, 10 April 2013

What have you got that can help you

Not talking about things, but something much more that adds more to life.

If you feel energetic and have great zest for life you can pass through, but if you are curious and missing that something, that vitality, that energy then read on.

Really be aware of the words that come to you and the energy they hold.

What makes you smile? What makes you jump out of bed in the morning, really excited for life? When was the last time you had a real good laugh? Isn't it funny when you take time to ask questions, you start to see things near different. Not now but later really write down what makes you smile, what happens if you did more of what made you smile. They could be simple things that could make you smile, it could be simple things that could make you smile, it could be talking to a friend, enjoying that hot coffee, going to the movies, watching the sunset, enjoying nature, seeing a family member happy, could be that roller coaster ride, after or before results of work you done, reading a book, a fishing trip, the list goes on......Those little things add more to your life. Life is pretty simple when you learn to appreciate life and do what you love, you start feeling a passion you never thought you had or lost. Take up something new or do something artistic. If you feel you have so much to do already and no time. Remember this quote.....The
If you always do what you always done, you'll always get what you've always got.~Dan Hayes 

The more you give to life, the more you find life opens up to you in a whole new level.

So what have you got that can help you? Your joy, your passion for life, your own outlook to life can change with just a little joy. Instead of seeing life as a struggle. You start to see everything you do makes a difference. Don't think the things you do mean nothing, everything you do means everything. When you become a doer, you start to see mountains move, in a different sense.

Something happens to a man who believes in his own potential, doors open where he saw none before.
When you realise how simple and joyful life can be, "content" is a better word, instead of seeing life half full, your cup of life runneth over. When you start to feel inner doubt or fear, really question where that came from. May joy and inner peace always be with you.

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