Two movies I'd like to share that I found really great that I had watched recently. Hugo, with Jude Law and directed by Johnny Depp, I near fell over when saw end credits that Johnny Depp directed it, it was well done. If you love movies like me, you will especially love this movie as it is about creation and love for making movies and it is so much more then that, it goes straight into the heart of losing love, being in loneliness, finding own purpose and love found. I'd love to spoil more but this is a much watched and delightful movie one for all ages. So definitely a good for family and friends to watch together.
This second movie I like to share is The Guardian's, this is one also for the family, young and old, great animated movie, starring Alec Baldwin and Hugh Jackman and more. What I love about this movie is bringing the power in belief to save the planet, the Guardians, being who bring all faith in the good spirit such as Santa clause, Easter bunny, the Tooth fairy and more such as the Sandman and Jack Frost. It really is a delightful film that even afterwards my husband went out and bought the movie for the kids, we viewed this film from payed Utube movies. It really is a movie for all those who love those much loved icons of Christmas and Easter and the young wishful spirit, kids will love the animation especially from the magic of the Sandman and his magic sand that shifts into all sorts of dream shapes.
I like to write and share what I feel is good and useful and what I feel passion to write about, so I don't always write as much as I'd like to. So I apologise if you are following me, that its a good time in between each writing.
I have been creating with much enthusiasm, which I been wanting to create for a while. I love quotes and really enjoy people who share quotes with images in the background and recently been creating just for the fun of creating what I can do. My theme is peace as my thoughts are of Korea and their anger at others. I really do hope they find a peaceful solution, as I think they think they are at war with one country but in actual fact the war they promise is really to all life, to all people, what they do to this planet effects everyone. You only have to look at the past Hiroshima war, what it did to the land, to the people, war is not the way and that is all will really say about that, as I don't believe in dwelling on problems either. Makes me think of the quote ~ Worry does not empty tomorrow of it's sorrow. It empties today of it's strength.
The only corner of the world I can help is the one I'm in and being a mum, yes I need my strength, so each day is a new day to do my best and give my best. What good can I do today.
I will be sharing soon just some wonderful drawings my daughter has been sharing, especially one recent, my daughter has entered a drawing competition, so soon will be sharing how with simple paint programme on your computer and some great talent can really make awesome art. I am confident my daughter will win, mainly because my daughter shared how the entries are same level as her drawings, but what I saw her put in, was amazing compared to the other entries, you can really see the love and passion she put in.
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